Smartphone Learning Opportunities to Promote Well-being in Young Employees

Smartphone Learning Opportunities to Promote Well-being in Young Employees

About the Be-Well Project

BeWell aims to to support young employees and vocational educators to address the rising mental health issues afflicting Europe’s young adults today.Promoting the health and well-being has been a primary concern of employers, but the demands on employers to safeguard the well-being of employees have been augmented since the switch to remote working caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through delivering the Be-Well project, we aim to provide a range of micro-learning well-being resources to young employees and businesses to support work-based learning programmes and to promote workplace well-being among our business and vocational education and training networks.

Be-Well has been funded with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme. The project commenced in September 2022 and runs until August 2024.

Meet The Team

The Be-Well Project Team comprises seven organisations from Spain, Ireland, Cyprus, Portugal, Greece, Austria and Bulgaria, working together to achieve the project aims and delivered the expected results for young employees and vocational educators in our regions. Within the project team, there is a good balance between organisations and associations providing education and training to young employees and companies that have implemented successful projects in the field of vocational education, specifically addressing the topic of workplace well-being.

Learning Materials

To address the rise in well-being concerns afflicting young employees and business today, the BeWell team has developed the following learning materials for young employees and vocational educators:

BE-WELL Interactive Micro-Learning Toolkit for Wellbeing Promotion

To support young employees in safeguarding their well-being, the Be-Well partners have developed a range of smartphone-based micro-learning resources that have been used to present self-help resources and learning content to employees directly in their workplaces, or through online channels if they have been working remotely. This includes a Well-being Planner, presented as a 28-day calendar. Each day in the 28-day challenge has featured a QR code with a link to one micro-learning resource. Therefore, the 28-day calendar has comprised 28 individual stand-alone learning resources. These 28 micro-learning resources have included a combination of quizzes, digital breakouts, short articles, blogs, animations, short video lectures, reflections, or self-assessment activities. This planner has been accompanied by a handbook containing a 1–2-page self-help activity for each of the 28 micro-learning resources, aimed at supporting young employees in reflecting on what they have learned through each micro-learning activity and applying it to their daily lives and routines to help them manage their well-being. This handbook has also been used by vocational education professionals to apply the micro-learning activities contained in the well-being planner in a facilitated learning session, and by HR professionals who have played a role in coaching young employees to manage their well-being. Through these training interventions, we believe that we have helped to address the mental ill health and well-being issues that have impacted the work and lives of young employees across Europe.

BE-WELL Continuous Professional Development Training for Vocational Education Providers

To support VET educators in building resilience and promoting positive mental health and well-being among young employees and VET learners, the Be-Well partners have developed a bespoke continuous professional development (CPD) training program for VET trainers. Through this train-the-trainer programme, it aims to engage VET educators in upskilling opportunities so that they can create micro-learning resources to address emerging labour market needs. Additionally, it includes a library of 35 Open Educational Resources (OERs), with 5 national OERs contributed by each partner, through the MOOC platform to support HR managers in local companies in understanding and addressing the well-being needs of young employees in the post-pandemic economy.


To provide access to all of the learning materials developed, the Be-Well project features an online learning platform called a “MOOC” (Massive Open Online Course). This MOOC has been promoted by all members of the project team as a one-stop shop for employees, employers, coaches, mentors, and VET trainers to gain access to the Be-Well well-being resources.

BE-WELL Policy and Practice Recommendations Report

To encourage practitioners and policymakers to address workplace wellbeing, the Be-Well partners have developed a Policy and Practice Recommendations Report. This report serves as a guide to promote workplace health and safety by integrating the Be-Well resources into work-based wellness programmes.


On this page, you will find copies of our project brochures and newsletters. We will add to this page and keep it regularly updated throughout the project.

Social Media

Get Involved in Be-Well

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000086525

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